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Kia ora. Welcome to the Victim Notification App (ViNA)

This website is here to support people who have been affected by crime, as well as their friends and whānau. ViNA is a new system for communicating with people registered on the VNR.

ViNA gives you control

You can choose how you’d like to receive notifications and ‘block’ any days you might not want to receive them.

ViNA gives you access to information

You can read about each notification, what it means, what situations it might occur in, what you could action and where to find support.

ViNA is secure

You have control over your personal information and ViNA holds your information securely, with options for you to add additional layers of security.

ViNA puts you first

ViNA was designed in collaboration with people across Aotearoa who have been affected by crime. Your experience is at the centre of this site.